Give Thanks

November 21, 2016


We are in the season of giving thanks.  This is the season of harvest and of finally reaping what has been sown.  Potential has been sown months ago and the anticipation of the result is here. Not only do I love the ambiance of this season; the colors, the smells, the warmth, the love, but I now recognize what it represents.  The season of harvest represents the time to show appreciation for the results of hard work.


God tells us in his word that we should, Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: Psalms 100:4.  We should always be in the state of thanking God for what he has done and for what he is about to do in our lives.  We are required to bless his name and be thankful.  When we show our appreciation for all of God's work in our lives, we then receive additional blessing from him.


You are the result of hard work!


You are the result of hard work.  Your whole life has been about your growth and your development as an individual.  The ideals, the morals, the concepts of life have molded your understanding of the world around you.  Much seed has been planted inside of you.  Your spirit has been the environment for many seeds to grow. However, it may not be harvest time just yet.  You may be waiting for that seed to reach it’s full potential.


If you didn’t know already this whole blog is about you.  It is about you finding out who you are, what your purpose is and how to find it.  I will continue to talk about the building of faith, the destruction of the natural man, and the building up of the spiritual man.  Feel free to look up related articles to get a better understanding of these concepts.  Remember this is all about you. I pray that it touches your heart and that you begin to understand the seed that is inside of you.


When I taught preschool we would schedule a farm trip every year to participate in a hayride and collect our pumpkins.  Throughout the years I found out that there were certain seasons for certain fruits to be picked.  October was the month that we picked our pumpkins and sometimes, if we waited until the right week, we could get pumpkins and apples.  However, if we waited too long we could only collect the sweet potatoes.  The late spring time was the time to pick the strawberries and so on and so forth.  For every season yielded different fruit, but the process was still the same; the farmer had to plant the seed in order to harvest the fruits in their season.


There is great power in the seed.  The seed holds potential to grow and produce more seed.  The seed’s potential is limitless in what it can produce.  However, the seed will not produce fruit if it is not planted.  Also, when it is planted, the soil has to be good, it should be balanced with the right nutrients and minerals that allow the seed to take root.  It is up to the farmer to make sure that the seed is sown properly, at the correct height, and at the correct distance apart from other seed.  The farmer also has to take under consideration the time that the seed is sown.


This is how life is.  Sometimes we receive good information, good advice, or good ideas about our life but we fail to take hold of it.  We will call this good information; the seed.  We have not conditioned ourselves with the right nutrients or the right minerals to provide the correct environment for the seed.  Hence, the seed either dies or just lies dormant.  We, our natural selves, are the soil.  Often times we are not equipped with the right information to feed the seeds that are inside of us.  The seed waits to receive the proper nourishment.


How can I condition myself to be the best me, I can be?


How can you condition yourself to be the best you, you, can be? How do you allow yourself to grow seeds of good information?  You read the truth, you fertilize your soil with the word of God.  This is conditioning your natural mind with the right kind of information to build up faith so that you can receive a supernatural watering of the Holy Spirit.  This is how your seed reaches its full potential.  And when these seeds grow you will know when it is time to collect the harvest.   You will be so plentiful that you can’t help but to share with others.  You are then sowing seeds into others and the process repeats itself.  It is hard work but if you put in the work there will be a reward.


This process also doesn’t happen overnight, that is why we call it a process. Remember, depending on what seed has been sown determines the time of the harvest.  You may get to the point where you are reaping all year long.  While you are waiting for the results, remember to give thanks.  We thank the heavenly father for this system in the first place.  We thank him for the potential of the seed, we thank him for the potential of the harvest, and as a result receive the bountifulness of the  seed.  When you give thanks, you expand your capacity to receive, it is a law.


Understand, that these are natural laws and spiritual laws working together.  The bible says you will reap what you sow.  If you sow good seed you will reap good fruit.  If you sow bad seed you cannot reap good fruit.  So condition yourself with the good stuff. Be thankful and give thanks in this season of harvest and Thanksgiving.


Bible Study Topics:

I suggest that you study the parable of the sower Matthew 13:1-9.  Then read Jesus’s explanation of the parable in Matthew 13:18-23.  To him that have an ear let him hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.


God Bless you on your spiritual journey to fulfilling your purpose.  Until next time.


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7 Ways to Increase Your Faith






Bible Study


Parable of the seed Matthew 13:1-9 and 18-23


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7 Ways to Increase Your Faith










#1 Keep a journal of all the things you are thankful for.


#2 Create a Vision Board


#3 Make a collage of all the things you are thankful for.

Take time out of your day to write down what you are thankful for. Making a visual connection to what you are grateful for may result in a larger impact in receiving a harvest.  The more you meditate on this, the more you will recognize all of the blessings that God has provided for you over the years.  You are, as result expanding your capacity to receive. 

What are some other ways you can show God that you are grateful?







I made a thanksgiving tree.  I don't believe in the pagan background of the Christmas tree, I just really enjoy decorating things.  My house is decorated with all types of harvest themed décor.  When I look at the decorations, I thank God for my home, my family, for time, and for the gift of being creative.  I encourage you to give thanks to God everyday.


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