August 12, 2018

You are Awesome!

Be confindent in who you are. . .

King David Said:

The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein

-Psalms 24:1

I just want to give a brief synopsis of why King David was a man after God's own heart . . . it was because David understood what it meant to live a surrendered life, according to God's purpose and God's vision.  He understood that this whole thing was a spiritual walk.  David just had a correct understanding of how God worked!


I just love the way God works. . . I love him.  He is just so awesome.


I have a feeling that society would ask, "How could you possibly know anything about who God is or how he works?"


To which I would reply: "Well, I talk to him everyday and I listen attentively because he knows everything."


I would also explain that I don't know everything that he is planning, or why he does things the way that he does, or why he reveals the things that he reveals, but I know it all turns out amazingly. I love him because he is awesome.


The message that I am supposed to share is that you are all apart of his plan.  I know this because he told me.  The enemy tries to fool the whole world and tries to make man think that he is an accident.  Scientist try to convince us that we have evolved from monkeys. Also there is another claim that we came from nothing. New findings proclaim that we are stardust . . . these are all lies.

How can something come from nothing?


The world wants to make you laugh!  We come from God, of course!! Believe it or not!


We are special and specifically created with a pre-written design (DNA).  We have a creator.  The creator is our designer (GOD).  We are spiritual beings, who have been presented with a body, made from the earth.  We have been filled with the breath of God that has given us a life to live.  We therefore are a spirit, in-cased in a soul, in-cased in a body.  Our spirit is from God, our soul is our life (mind, will, emotions), and our body is our flesh that comes from the dark earth (Adam).


When David says:  "Unto thee, oh Lord, do I lift up my soul," he is saying "Unto thee, oh Lord, I give my life" or "Unto thee, oh Lord do I give my mind, my will, and my emotions."  Hence, David is a perfect example of living a surrendered life.


I encourage you to give your life to God, and live a surrendered life like David.


After God designed us, he created a math equation to place us on a timeline.  We are born at the time that he needs us to be born in order to complete our purpose.  It is like the most complicated math problem that we don't have the mind capacity to comprehend . . but it all turns out amazingly!

Man is not an accident!


The fact that your father makes over 4 trillion sperm and your mother about 100,000 eggs in her lifetime, then also calculating the chances that the right sperm match up to the correct egg at the right time is 1 in 400 quadrillion.

That is 1 in 400,000,000,000,000,000

In layman's terms, you are a miracle!


The reason why you are a miracle is because the world has no way else to explain it.  However, if you know the Lord you know that he designed it that way.  Everything belongs to God.  Everything that he made was for a purpose.  Why?  Because God doesn't make accidents or mistakes.  God's ways are miracle ways.  This is how he works.  He works in miracles!

God's nature is to create and to create for a purpose.


The very reason why you were born is to do  or complete something that the Lord needs you to do in order to bring his kingdom to come. This is the truth, rather you believe it or not.


God loves each and everyone of his creations.  Everything and everyone belongs to him. The earth is his and everything in it.  The world and everyone that dwells in it belongs to him.


So even if you are a "non-believer" God loves you.  If you are a non-believer- you are still a spiritual being.  If you are a non-believer you still have a purpose.  If you are a non believer then you are just being tricked by the deceiver.  I pray that you change your mind about who you are.  I pray that you change your mind about who God is and about who Jesus is.

Jesus is God's spirit in a human body.

Understand that God had to get a human body in order to operate legally here on earth.

Therefore Jesus is God and God is Jesus

But that is another study . . .


The main thing I want to convey is that this whole life is a spiritual thing.  God has a purpose and a plan for you.  God's plan is going to happen if you believe it or not.  Hence, hold on to the vision that God has for you.  Trust in it and follow after it.  God gave you those desires and he wishes to fulfill them.


On Fridays, I like to celebrate my freedom from the bondage of world culture and mindset.  I have adopted God’s view of his creation: We are special and made for a special purpose.  What I mean by this is that I no longer feel obligated to "fit into” any preconceived idea of who others see me to be.  Instead, I will be exactly who God made me to be.


With that said, I want to encourage you to be exactly who God made you to be.  He made you, you.  The essential part of you is someone very special.  He made you for a purpose and a reason.  You were born at this time to be influential at this point of history.  Don't let anyone convince you that you are anyone less than AWESOME!


I got into a debate with a student when I was giving my "Live on Purpose" speech.   I give this 60 second speech at the end of class telling the students that they were born for a reason and that there is a problem in the world that they were meant to solve.  I tell them that they hold a special thought, perspective, or opinion that will influence someone, which will influence someone else and so on and so forth until it produces great change in the world.  There was one student who was not so convinced and he challenged my process of thought. . .


He said  "Well, I don't know?  That kind of philosophy only works if you believe in predestination . . ."


I was wondering to myself, how did I get a heckler?  But I knew the Holy Spirit wanted to test my confidence in what I was saying.  I presented to him the same findings that I told you about the sperm and the egg.  I proclaimed the design plan of God, but told him I could not expound upon my personal beliefs because of school rules.  So here is my conclusion:


There will be some who chose to believe and there will be those who do not.


Guess what friends?  I do believe in predestination.  Why? Because my bible says so.  And I believe everything that my bible teaches because I have received the gift of faith.

According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Ephesians 1:4

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11


The word tells me that I am wonderfully made by an awesome God, which in turn makes me awesome. . .

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Psalm 139:14

I believe it and therefore I am free.  I have the mind of Christ and therefore I am free.  You and I were bought for a price and therefore we are now free!!!  You are awesome and you are free.  Don't let anyone make you think that you are not . . . Yes we mess up, but that is because we are trapped in these bodies of flesh.  There will come a time that our spirits will also be free to live eternal life with our father in heaven.  But for the time being, your mind is free.  You are free to influence the world with the truth of the word of God . . .


You may have heard me say this before and that is ok because this is the message that the Lord wants me to get out there.  Just like Jesus was predestined and manifested to come into existence for us at the very time that he did, we are also manifested into existence.  We originated from somewhere else, but now we are here.  We are here as children of God.  You are meant to be holy and separated.  Set aside for the work of the Lord.  He is calling you.  He is giving you the signs.  He wants you to start believing at the level he needs you to believe.  He wants you to start seeing your work.  He wants you to grow into the person he needs you to be.  Do not be overwhelmed by this world.  Do not shut down.  Be free in your thinking.  Be free in Jesus Christ.


Know that you are amazing!


Imagine the possibilities, amazing you!


God Bless you always in your journey to finding your purpose.

Until Next Time



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