October 21, 2016

10 Questions that address

What it really means to be a Christian. . .

Well, maybe you don’t particularly know what being a Christian is or what it is all about, but you are asking questions about it.  Is Christianity a religion?  Is it a mindset?  Is it a way of life?  Yes to all of those questions.  Let us explore quickly what it means to be a Christian by addressing some questions and comments I hear often:


(1) Do Christians believe in God?

Yes, we as Christians believe in God.  We believe that the creator is the one true and living God.   He was the one to design, create, and make us.  We believe that he has also created  the laws of the world we live in today.  The God that we believe in is not the same as other religions.  Instead, our God is the same God that the Jewish people believe in, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  However, Christians believe that the spirit of God, that was spoken of in the Jewish Torah, came to earth in human form as Jesus Christ, the messiah.  Christians receive their name from the fact that they follow Jesus’s teachings.  Christian means follower of Christ.  Therefore we believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

(2) Why do Christians believe in Jesus?


Christians believe in Jesus because we believe he is the only way to have a true relationship with God.  We believe that Jesus is the savior of the world.  Yes, we believe in God in three persons, you may have even heard of the holy trinity, but I think this adds confusion to the concept of who God really is.  God’s thoughts are so profound that he understands that the only way to understand him is to put things in terms that we can understand.  Therefore we come to know and recognize God’s word, (his law, his word, and his spirit) as his son Jesus Christ.  Christians believe in Jesus because he is the truth, just like God’s word is the truth.  We can’t change this truth, no matter how hard we try.  The Christian Bible teaches that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and that the only way to the Father (God) is through him.  Therefore Christians believe in Jesus Christ.


(3) If I wanted to be a Christian, do I have to follow the teachings of Jesus?


The quick answer is yes.  Many people are in search for answers to life and the meaning of life.  Not many people want to believe that God can give them those answers.  Many people are searching all over just to feel fulfilled with their life.  What is it all for?  Following the teachings of Jesus helps to lead us to the answers we are seeking.  In order to be led the right way, we should follow the one who knows exactly how to get there.  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.  We read and practice the teachings of Jesus so that we know the way to the father (God).


(4)  Do I have to repent my sins if I want to be a Christian?


Yes.  Many non-Christians make this subject of repentance so much more intrusive than it has to be.  The word repent, simply means to change your mind.  In order to be a Christian you should be able to come to a conclusion that your way is not working.  Sometimes this is hard for people to do because they are so dependent on their own system, their own logic, and their own understanding of the way things work.  The decision to admit to yourself that you need help is the first step to following Jesus.  We must change our mindset from our way to God’s way by believing in Jesus Christ.


(5) But, I don’t want to repent and I don’t feel like I’m a bad person.  Can I still be a Christian?


No one really wants to be a bad person.  We often can justify our negative behaviors by excusing the methods in return of a positive outcome.  But the end does not justify the means.  Our desires, our passions, and our lusts usually lead us down some pretty dark paths.   Some may even reason with in themselves, “Well I’m not that bad of a person, I’m nicer than that guy.” The truth is, if we keep practicing getting what we want, we will get better at it.  We will get better at hurting, lying, and cheating others to get what we want.  Most of the time what we want is just something to make us feel better about our lives.  Usually what we want is something to make us feel happy.  Here lies the dilemma; how can something that makes me feel happy be wrong?


Many are searching for happiness and a way to feel good about their lives. It is hard to give up this control over your life especially if you are convinced that no one or nothing else can do better for you then you.  However, the teachings of Jesus show us a different way.  The word of God tells us that we will never be satisfied in the natural mindset unless we change our mind to a spiritual way of thinking.  This is repenting; admitting that your way is not the right way, regardless if you feel you are a good person or not. So, no you are not truly a Christian (follower of Christ) until you change your mind about how you chose to live your life. The conversation with Jesus may sound something like this “ Father God, in the name of Jesus, I am a sinner.  Please forgive me for my sinful nature. Please help me to follow in your way and not my own way.  Amen.”


(6) I’m gay, I believe in God and Jesus.  Am I considered a Christian?


If a person has truly changed his or her mind about the way they are living and has made a commitment to learn about the way they should be living their lives through Christ Jesus, then they are a follower of Christ.  But let me be clear, repentance doesn’t mean an immediate miraculous transformation into the ultimate example of what all Christians should be.  When you repent, you are making the first step.  You should notice growth throughout your Christian walk.  It is very important to be around the right people.  It is important to find the right church home to help you learn and increase your understanding of what God wants for you.  You will begin to build your relationship with God.  As you do this, God will show you what and how to release certain things from your life.  You will grow in the Christian faith and your eyes will be opened to a spiritual way of thinking.  You will begin to look at the world differently.


Being gay is not an automatic assignment to hell nor should it deter you from seeking a relationship with God.  Being attracted to the same sex is a very good example of how hard it can be to deny the flesh from what it desires.  Being attracted to the opposite sex and giving into those desires outside of marriage is another example.  Waiting until you are married follows the word of God and is a good example of how it is possible to deny the flesh and practice self control.  Most people, most Christians, can’t identify what their biggest weakness is in the flesh.  So, no matter what your sin, what you struggle with, or what you don’t see now as an issue, you can make a commitment to God to show you the right way.  You don’t have to wait, it is best to repent and give your life to God today.


(7)  What is the difference between Christianity and any other religion?


Short answer, Jesus.  Jesus is the only way to God. The Gospel is the good news that Jesus teaches about establishing our relationship with God.  Jesus teaches that we are saved by grace and we live by faith.  There are other faiths that claim Jesus but add additional doctrine to the bible. Christians believe that the bible is the only infallible authoritative word of God.  We believe that there is only one true, self existing God.  Therefore, Allah is not our god, Buddha is not our god, and Zeus is not our god.  There is only one self existing God who saves his people from their sins.  The Christian God is, always was, and always will be.  One of the most exciting things about Christianity then becomes that it is less a religion (a systematic practice of rules and traditions) but instead a mindset of power, love, and clarity of truth of who God really is.  This is what separates us from the Jewish Religion, we move away from tradition and move into grace.  The truth of life can only be realized through Jesus Christ.


(8)  I believe in God.  Isn’t that enough?


No, that is not enough.  The demons believe and they tremble.  You must dedicate your life to God and follow his word.  His word is Jesus Christ.  When you follow the teachings of Jesus love enters into your heart.  With out love, you can't fully know Jesus.  If you don't know Jesus you don't know the true father, but instead the father of wickedness.


(9) I think that all religion is a bunch of crap and I’d rather live my life doing what I want to do.


Ok, that is your choice and you have that right to live your life fulfilling the flesh.  You may not look at it that way, but it is happening.  You will try to feel fulfilled but there will always be an emptiness inside of you.  But you know, good luck with that, try your best.  We as Christians are still practicing love, so we love you and are ready to answer your questions if you change your mind.  If you ever have the feeling that God is calling you to something greater, don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek answers.


(10) If I’m not a Christian, does that mean I’m going to hell?


Being a Christian definitely has its benefits, one of those benefits is the promise of living eternal life with the creator in something Christians identify as the kingdom of heaven.  The promise is simple, believe in the gift that God has sent you in Jesus Christ and enjoy the promise of eternal life.  The curse, on the other hand, is death.  So, the thing is that Christians do not have the authority to say who shall enter into the kingdom of heaven or who shall go to hell.  This is a conversation that you need to have with God.  I am confident in my relationship with God and know where I am going, so I encourage you to build your own relationship to find out that answer.  I don’t point fingers, nor do I know the plan that God has for your life.  Don’t let your uncertainty be a stumbling block for you to find out the answer to this question.  Pray on this and don’t let the title of “Christian” get in the way of starting a relationship with God.


-So this was a good exercise for me.  I consider myself a servant of the Lord and hope this is a helpful viewpoint on what it means to be a Christian.  I have often found myself in religious discussions with friends, family, and colleagues about Christianity.  I thought it would be productive to discuss the different things I have heard  over the years.   There are tons of scripture that will help support my view points but this is just a beginning look at Christianity.  We didn’t  get into the importance of prayer, fasting, or faith.  There is so much to learn!  If you are itching for more answers and have more questions I encourage you to visit  http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com


Good Luck on your Christian Journey. Until next time.

