April 7, 2017

What is that Small Still Voice?

Hearing the voice of God, Magnolia Story Review




I have a message for you, start seeking God for your vision and your purpose!


Before I talk about the book, I have to tell you about some things that are going on in my life.  I’m excited about these things and I’m glad that God is trusting me with all of this information.


You guys, I’m talking about God ideas.  The type of ideas that are life changing, mind changing and circumstance changing!  If you follow me then you know that I am going through a life transition.  Last year I was laid of off my job and God told me to write a book.  So I set off to complete my assignment, I’m still not 100% finished.  But I was obedient to the word of God and concentrated on writing this book.  Then God told me to start writing this blog.  On blind faith, I started and I continue to write this blog hoping to be some sort of inspiration to somebody, somewhere.


I know that I hear God telling me to do things.  I understand that it is the Christian thing to step out on faith and obey.  But that is not always the easy thing to do.  Often times being obedient to God means stepping out of your comfort zone.


I know that, as a Christian I have gifts and talents that are given to me by God, but I had to ask God, ok what is next?  Sometimes it is hard to follow your heart when no one else around you really understands what is going on.  I can’t explain it to anybody, I can’t get the words together just right to make my family understand that God has given me an assignment.  I don’t know what is going to happen, I just know that this is happening.  So again, I had to ask God:


How exactly do I get through life if I’m always wondering what comes next?


This is what I learned through my journey:


Don’t worry about what comes next.  Trust in God that he will lead you down the path you need to go. Don’t be double minded.  If you made the decision to follow God, then don’t look back.  You have to persevere.  You must be strong.  You must stay the course.  You must stay determined to serve the Lord.




You must obey the voice of the Lord


There is growth in obedience to the voice of the Lord.  God said that we need to listen to his voice.  In our immaturity he speaks to us through our pastors, our teachers, our parents, our children, and our spouses.   The thing is, when we get to a certain point, when we are no longer babes in Christ, we develop a more personal relationship with him.  We begin to hear directly from God.  This is a good thing because God will give you directions that will lead you to your destiny.  These may be things that your family can not understand.  But because you are a  child of God, talking and walking with him, you must listen to his voice.


How do you do this?


You have to learn his voice by spending time with him . . .


I thank God for his encouragement and his instruction.  God told me, “you have the vision because I gave you the vision, and now it is time for you to achieve that vision.”


Vision Matters


I attended a few meetings with some girl friends of mine called “Vision Matters.”  This group’s purpose is to help motivated and foster presentations that will aid the business minded individual to pursue her passion.  I’m all for pursuing your passion as long as that passion is given to you by God.


We have to learn God’s voice.


We are often in trouble because we live the dreams that we have caused ourselves to dream rather than communicating with God and allowing him to give us a “vision.”  When you have the correct vision you are that much closer to fulfilling your purpose.  And once you get that momentum going, God will continue to give you "God ideas".


God is sending prophets and prophetesses out into the world at this time in order to deliver to you your vision!


I thank God for the vision of the business he wants me to start.  I thank God for the passion that he has recently placed in my heart for it.  Here is the strange and peculiar thing:  I found an old vision book and I wrote the plan down already.  I forgot that I had wrote it almost ten years ago, but here I go entering a new era in my life just because I was obedient to God.


I know with God all things are possible. . .


with God


He also gave me another idea about this blog.  I really want to continue encouraging people to find their purpose, so I want to start sharing the literature that has encouraged me and continues to motivate me to find my purpose.


I don’t know if I had mentioned this in a past blog but God leads me to Inspirational books!  This is a new phenomenon for me because I was always the one who didn't want to read anything.  I only read a book because I had to for school or if I needed to learn how to do something.  But since I made it a point to find my purpose, I have been talking to the Lord a lot more.  He shows me books that I need to read.


You must learn to hear God’s voice . . .


I am filled with excitement and glee to share with you this wonderful story of perseverance. . .


I love the way God works!


Have you ever heard of Chip and Joanna Gaines from the HGTV show "Fixer Upper?"  Well if you haven't let me tell you a little about them and their new book.


So, I'm in the store and I hear God telling me, "turn around buy it, buy it."  I know this may sound very strange to people, but yes I talk to God, on the regular.  Yes I can hear him talk to me and tell me to do things.  He can stop me in my tracks, correct me, tell me to do something, and or give me an idea.  He can give me energy, he gives me vision, and passion to pursue.  He interprets the word for me and gives me directions.  And guess what, I’m not the only one!


The more time you spend with God the more you will be able to hear his voice!


Now, I was a little interested in the book before hand.  I knew of the couple and their television show, however I didn't know much else about them and felt like it would be a waste of time and effort to read it.


It was not in my budget to go around buying books all willy-nilly, but God told me to buy it.  I know it is better for me to listen to the voice of the Lord than to ignore what he is saying. It is always better to pay attention to the voice of the Lord.


I am so glad that I took the time to read this book!


MagnoliaStoryBook 2


Magnolia Story is a great story of how hard work pays off and how we should not despise small beginnings.  The story outlined the couple's relationship, business, and faith.  I really related to Jo Gaines when she talked about listening to the voice of God.  She also describes it as hearing a small still voice that pulls at her heart and tells her to trust.


I know that starting a business is hard work but wow it can also be heart breaking.  What do you do when you work so hard at something but then God tells you to give it all up and pursue something different?


I really related to the starting a new career aspect of the book.  I really struggled with the idea that maybe I was crazy to make this major life changing decision.  Maybe I really should get a “real job”  I mean, how does one logically go from being a teacher for ten years to becoming a writer and entrepreneur?  How does that work?


I’ll tell you . . . it is all about listening to God.  God made you for a purpose and a reason and he will supply all your needs.  He will be with you throughout the whole journey.  This is what this book is about, It’s about trusting God through the journey.


Chip and Joanna (Jo) tag teamed the telling of their story with such grace that by the time you got to the end of the book they sounded like one person.


One of My favorite parts of the book was when Jo was hearing from God.  He said to her:


"Joanna, if you trust me with your dreams, I'll take them further than you could have ever imagined."


You see, Jo had to make a very important decision:  To listen to God or ignore his instructions.  God was telling her to close her home décor store and stay home with her kids. She had worked so hard to build this store into a very profitable business.  She made the right decision when she listened to God, closed the store, and continued building a business with her husband. 


This decision led to an even bigger house flipping business, a reality TV show, a beautiful farm house for her family,  well rounded children, and the reopening of her home décor store, Magnolia.


In order to know the ups and downs of their story and how they landed their reality show, you have to read the book.


It was a wonderful experience reading this book.  I enjoyed the stories about the family, their love, their hard work, and dedication.  I enjoyed the humor and the honesty behind the story.  I felt the necessity of explaining that success is not made overnight but it takes hard work, perseverance, and God’s divine intervention.


I believe in the dreams that God has given me.  I want you to know that you can trust God to give you dreams.  He will give you vision for your future.  Will you not trust him?  Will you not develop a relationship with him? Will you not learn how to hear the voice of God?


I trust God with my dreams, because he has given them to me to dream.


Always know that with God all things are possible!  He just needs you to listened to him and follow his directions.  He will make your dreams come true.


I hope this is helpful for you finding your purpose.


Until Next Time



#Watch Out World, Here We Come!

To everything there is a season


This site is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and therefore all content is God centered and adheres to the word of God.  My Goal is to motivate you to find your purpose.



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