February 12, 2018

I'm a MOM

What is your Superpower?

Hello friends,

They tell me that when you become a blogger you have to stick with one subject . . . Well, I'm too many things and have too many jobs to keep myself in a box!

I have to let you know that my main priority is to spread the love of Jesus and to be an example of what it means to be a Kingdom citizen.  Connecting you to Jesus is my main purpose . . .

One of the most important tasks of being a servant of the Lord is being a good mom. I don't take this job lightly, but sometimes I find it hard juggling the idea of building a business and keeping my home life in order. You may already know that I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur who writes, promotes, and creates motivational content for all, in order to help them find their purpose in life.  Therefore I forward you some motivation from my blogging buddy Ruth.

She has many tricks and tips to help keep you motivated through your blogging, career, and business goals.  She sent me an email last month that was very inspirational and helpful to me as a blogger, and a mother.

Before I share this email with you I want to let you know about a little something that I have been working on to encourage mothers to keep doing what they are doing because



I would just like to invite you to my Pinterest board:


I made it in order to help motivate mothers through the trials of motherhood.  It has quotes, pictures, and sayings about the good, the bad, the funny, and the spiritual aspects of motherhood.  I pray that it is helpful to you!

I will share the articles that I write about motherhood on that board.  This way you can be updated when I write something inspirational about being a mom.  Feel free to share with others.

Being a mom is hard work.  It is a huge responsibility. . . especially trying to be a mom and an entrepreneur.  I'm trying to start a ministry and I'm learning how to take care of myself . . . It is hard having a full-time job, but try having 2 or 3 or 4 or more!!! 

Children grow up fast and before you know it they will be all grown up and out of the house.  We should pay attention now.  We should also learn how to be who God has made us to be, for the good of our family. 

There is no doubt that I do a lot.  I have told you before that I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur.  However one of my new year's resolutions was to be more focused on the growth and development of my children.  This is an important job, but it doesn't mean giving up on all of our hopes and dreams to do it well.


I am fully convinced that being a mom is a superpower that comes from the Lord!



I want to thank Ruth for sharing her struggles with fellow working moms.  I like her manifesto and I think it is worth checking out. 

Without further ado . . . Here goes some inspiration to continue working hard, setting realistic goals, and learning how to identify your priorities.

Happy Friday Tamorra!

It’s January, and I don’t know about you, but I am still kind-of riding the high of all those New Year’s resolutions. This year my BIG goal is to be in the best shape of my life by my 40th birthday, which is now less than 3 months away, and let me just tell you… I have my work cut out for me!

But I’ve been running and doing strength training, eating right and tracking my calories and drinking water and cutting out all the things I love like Doritos and beer. I signed up to run a 10K on my birthday, and my team and I have been holding daily FitBit challenges to see who can get the most steps. In other words? I’m doing ALL THE THINGS.

And it feels pretty good. (Except for when I start craving Doritos!)

But the reality is that there’s a dark side to all this productivity and goal-setting stuff too, one that us moms don’t always talk about, but one that lurks around every corner of achievement in our lives.

Do you know what it is?

It’s mom guilt.

That feeling that we are doing something wrong or neglecting our family or somehow damaging our children anytime we pursue one of our own passions or dreams, anytime we take the time to work on our career, or even to focus on our own health and well-being.

It’s omnipresent guilt that is there in the background All. The. Time. That little nagging voice that keeps telling us we should be more, do more, love more, nurture more, give more, serve more, and even pray more.

That little voice that says whatever we’ve done, it’s probably not enough.

I was confronted with this guilt head on this week, and let me tell you, it wasn’t fun.

You see, after homeschooling our girls for a semester in the fall, they were starting their first day of “real” school on Monday. And so, on Sunday evening I picked out their uniforms and helped them pack up their backpacks and blow-dried their hair and made sure they were 100% ready to go.

But my main reason for all this proactiveness was that I had plans to hit the gym on Monday morning. I figured since everything had been done the night before, I would be able to sneak off for an hour workout and get back just in time to see them off and snap a few requisite first-day-of-school photos.

Except I got the time wrong.

I thought school started at 8:30, but really it was 8, and although when I discovered the mistake, I rushed home to try to make it, I was too late.

They had already left for school.

I missed saying goodbye, and wishing them luck on their first day. Missed giving my mom lecture on being kind and watching out for the kids who are being left out. Missed making sure their hair looked cute and their socks were pulled up. Missed taking pictures.

I missed it all. It felt like a punch to the gut.

But thankfully, this whole mom guilt thing is something I’ve had to deal with before, and it is something I’ve had to work hard to overcome. And honestly, I think it comes down to resolving to stop listening to that little voice that tells us we are failing and to declare our home a guilt-free zone.

Because think about the choice we are giving ourselves. We can either not go after our goals or pursue our dreams and live a life of regret, or we try to pursue our dreams and constantly feel guilty in the process.

Either way, we lose.

But does it really have to be that way?

I want to pick Door #3, the option where I get to choose to make big goals and go after them, and NOT feel guilty about it!

Why shouldn’t I? And more importantly, why shouldn’t you?

All we have to do is make the choice.

What would happen if we all adopted a Mama Manifesto that went something like this:

From this moment forward, I refuse to choose between pursuing my big goals and dreams and being a great mom, because I know that being a great mom doesn’t mean I have to be a perfect mom.

I believe that the best way I can serve my family is by creating a life that works for all of us and that the best example I can set for my kids is a mama who is passionate and driven and willing to do hard things, take risks, and go after big dreams.

I choose to stop putting unrealistic expectations on myself for all the things that I am “supposed” to do, and will instead get clear about my priorities. We all get the same 24 hours, and no one can do it all, so from this moment on, I choose to focus the bulk of my time and energy on the things that matter most to me.

I give myself permission to let some things go, and I give myself permission to take shortcuts, without feeling guilty. I choose to believe that sometimes good enough is plenty.

I give myself permission to stop comparing myself to the moms I see around me, or to the unrealistic image I see in the media, in magazines, or on social media. I give my permission to stop paying attention to anything that makes me question my own self-worth as a mom.

I give myself permission to practice self-care so that I can be a better mom, a better wife, a better friend, and a better person. I give myself permission to not be perfect, and I will stop expecting others around me to be perfect as well.

I choose to believe that giving myself grace is not the same as making excuses, and while I give myself permission to not be perfect, I refuse to give up or to stop trying.

I understand that there will be moments of frustration in my journey and that there will sometimes be roadblocks and setbacks that get in my way, but I will keep reminding myself that every breakdown leads to a breakthrough, and I will keep going, even when things are hard.

I know that courage doesn’t mean that I am never scared; instead, courage is taking action in spite of fear. And so, every single day, I will choose to Do It Scared®, because that is who I am.

I will be a strong, passionate, courageous mother for my children. I will love them like crazy and encourage them to be strong, passionate, and courageous as well. I will lead by example.

This is the mom I want to be, and the one my kids deserve.

This is my mama manifesto.

Pretty powerful right?

The truth is that as moms, we CAN choose to stop that mom guilt in its tracks and instead pick a different path, one that gives us the freedom and permission to pursue our goals and dreams, create a life we love AND still be a great mom.

And I guess that is my challenge for you this week--stop your mom guilt in its tracks by adopting your own Mama Manifesto, and then reminding yourself what it says, over and over again, as many times as it takes for the message to sink in. You don’t have to be all things to all people. Your kids will be okay if you’re not perfect. You have my permission to go after your goals and your dreams without feeling the least bit bad about it.

Here’s to saying NO to mom guilt in 2018!

Are you with me?

Live with purpose, friends, and have an amazing week!

xoxo, Ruth


I pray that this is helpful to you moms . . .

Remember to

Live your Life on Purpose



Click the picture below to read more articles about being a mom . . .


The Kingdom Principle to take away: 

Use your resources that God has given you.  He blessed us all with individual talents, gifts, and abilities.  We should be helping each other and sharing resources with each other.  I thank Ruth for sharing this. I'm sure it will help others not to get so down on themselves as they navigate themselves through this blogging business.

 Now, therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God.

Ephesians 2:19

We should get to know each other . . . join a community that will help you grow in the Lord.


Teaching Christian Living and Kingdom Principles

until next time



This site is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the coming of his Kingdom.  Therefore all content is God centered and adheres to the word of God.  My Goal is to motivate you to find your purpose.

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Check me out on Blogger and get 365 days of motivation with video links, quotes, poems, book suggestions, and scriptures.  I pray that it helps you day by day.

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The Hardest Job Ever!

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Here are some things you can do to start your journey to living a life on purpose.

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Keep calm trust

Keep Calm and Trust God

How to Find Peace, Happiness, and Calm.

God does not want us to be heavy with worry.  He wants us to be free from anxiety.  He wants us to breathe.  He needs us to be full of energy so that we can fulfill his purpose.


8 Ways to Fight the Feeling of Anxiety


Get closer to God and build your Faith foundation.


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Do you have a question about making a decision to change your way of thinking?  If so, leave a comment or email me.  I would love to hear from you!

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I would love to hear from you!

Question to Ponder:

What does it really mean when they say "Cleanliness is next to Godliness?"


Books that will help you find

Your Purpose


 FREE download to my new e-book

"Ready, Set, Live!"



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