February 18, 2019

Your Vision Matters

Your voice was meant to speak the vision of the Kingdom


Let us talk about why your vision and your voice is important on this earth. . .

The essence that is you, develops your voice. The more that you know who you are, the stronger your voice becomes. When we know why we are placed on this earth, it helps us be more confident. It helps us to push through adversity. It helps us not be intimidated by the things that are intermittently placed in our path.  Be of good courage. We all should place encouragement in our heart so that we can press forward. We all should know that our voice is important. It is strong, and it will be used for a purpose.  We use our voice to create our vision.


My friends, I want to encourage you to share your voice.  It is important and it is needed in today's times. . .


Here is the thing, I am no longer concerned with pleasing people, I am only concerned about pleasing God.  I know the more that I obey his voice the clearer I hear his voice.  With that said, friends, we cannot be concerned with what other people say about us.  We have to keep fighting the good fight and stand up for what is right.  Sometimes people won't like us for the things that we say, but your voice is important and must be heard.  God has blessed you with a perspective that he wants you to share with the world because you are an extension of him.  He wants you to communicate who he is to the world!


Yes, he is the God of Love

Yes, he is the God of Truth

Yes, Jesus loves us and has came to save the world

Let us hear the most important part . . .

Jesus came to save us from our sins!!!


This is a very important message to get out to every living soul on this earth. . .

We are Saved!!


You are daughters and sons of God.  You are so very important to the expansion of his kingdom culture.  The culture of the Kingdom is love and respect for the creator.  The creator is a master artist who has created you for a specific purpose.  It wouldn't be fair to others around you if you did not share your purpose with them.  Sometimes, their purpose is waiting to be activated by your purpose.  Fulfilling your purpose brings the full vision of the Kingdom into perspective.


Know this next thing:  God has placed you where you are right now, to reach the people you need to reach.  You hold an important perspective in your territory.


What is a Territory?


When we start studying and looking at the Kingdom model, we must understand that the King has split up his Kingdom into territories.  A territory is an organized division of God's Country.  In God's Kingdom model, everyone's role within that territory is needed and necessary for growth.  Every person has a purpose.  The territory can only grow if everyone does his/her part.  Hence, you are placed in your territory because you have something specific to offer.


The way you see things is important to your territory and therefore is important to your country and therefore is important for the growth of the Kingdom.

My writing is important to the Kingdom.  I know this and I keep the faith.  I do the work because I know that my labor is not in vain: meaning there is a purpose, a perspective, and a voice that only I can sound.  It can be hard when it seems like no one is listening but I want to encourage you to keep doing the work of the Lord.  You have a voice that was meant for your territory and eventually someone will start listening.

The Lord just let me know that I have to switch most of my content from Google + to Instagram.  Well, of course Google + contacted everyone. . . but it is just crazy that I put so much work into that forum and into this website and now I have to refigure things out!  The Lord said to me "EXACTY!"

The thing is, God doesn't want us to stay in our comfort zones.  He expects us to grow, just like he expects his Kingdom to grow.  It is part of his design.  So, I will rebuild and use my creativity to share my voice and God's vision for his Kingdom.  Here is what my new Instagram is going to look like:





The way that you see the world is specifically designed to perfect  your voice.


I recently wrote in the comment section for my class:

"One’s worldview will determine what he will research and how he researches as a scholar.  One should grab hold of his beliefs because it is apart of who he is.  A strong hold in faith matched with academics promotes independence that can motivate a different approach in research.  When ever one is matched with information that challenges his world view, he must stay open minded, and continue with his study.  Your individual worldview develops your perspective of how you see things around you.


Perspective is a powerful tool that can allow a person to create a vision in the mind and reproduce it to the world in a creative way.  As an artist I always try to respect a person’s perspective.  It is by his view that he communicates his creation to the audience.   Just like an artist, each person’s views, ideas, beliefs, and interpretations of the world around him is communicated through his creative voice (your life style). It is a person’s view that opens communication in a language that has not been heard before.  Why is this?  It is because every person’s perspective is unique.  Each of us has a different set of experiences that mold us into who we are.  One’s world view is always valuable to offer insight and solution."


Your Voice Matters!


Friends, I pray that you realize how important you are to God's Kingdom. Your voice matters so much.  Your perspective matters so much.  You are here on this earth to communicate God's love to every living spirit.  Develop your relationship with him today.  It is not about trying to become better for God,  instead it is about being who you are.  It is about living your life in the truth of his word.


Your Life is a reflection of what you believe


You were born to the parents you were born to, in the place you were born at, with the family that surrounds you for a reason.  You have experienced the ups and downs, the heart aches and the triumphs for a reason.  You are being fashioned by God, for a purpose and a reason.  You are his handiwork.  He will use you as a very important tool to help build his kingdom.  The way he has made you to see the world will help grow the Kingdom, because he has made others that will only understand your voice.  Some people will only understand the message that comes from you.  Speak God's truth always.


Your Vision Matters

Your Voice Matters




Friends, be who you are.  Share your art, share your work, share your knowledge, share your story, share your gift.  Someone needs to hear it.


Once you are a believer, you are in.  Like Paul proclaimed,  I do not believe that there is anything; no mountain, nor river, not the sky, or this earth, no person, nor spirit, or demonic principality, nor any force great enough that can keep us separated from the Love of Our God. Glory to his name.

Stay encouraged my friends.  Keep your confidence and know that you are important to God's Kingdom.  Live this life on purpose, God's purpose.  Use your voice to spread the message of God's saving grace.  All my love.
Until Next Time

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38


Keep pressing towards the mark . . .


This site is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the coming of his Kingdom.  Therefore all content is God centered and adheres to the word of God.  My Goal is to motivate you to find your purpose.

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