September 16, 2019

Everything is Figureoutable

this is not a book review

I have been watching Marie Forleo for a while and I have confidence that her book doesn’t have any new age philosophy or humanistic undertones in its contents.  Believers have to be careful sometimes because things that often sound good on the surface are laced with a drug of significant status that is also known for its addictive qualities. However, I am not here to talk against the notion that everything is indeed figureoutable because I am a fan of Marie’s. While watching her interviews and following her growth, she often presents her colloquialisms with profound wisdom and experienced insight.  This girl rocks and I am in anticipation of what is in the book and how the book reads.


This is not a book review . . .









Everything is Figureoutable


I often read books and grab my own understanding of them as it applies to my life so that it can help someone else in life.  And right now I need to believe that everything is indeed figureoutable. Marie has three rules to this theory which are as follows. . .


#1  Every problem has a solution and therefore is able to be solved. Everything and anything can be figured out. . .


#2  If a problem cannot be solved, then it is not a problem, it is a law.  Such as the law of gravity or the law of energy.


#3  If something cannot be solved in the present, then there is something else that has to happen.  Something needs to be invented, or another problem has to be solved so that a problem can be solved in the future.


This is my consensus about what she is trying to convey and I suggest you get the book if you want to know how it applies to your life, but again, this is not a book review so let me tell you what is going on with me. . .


If you have been following me for a while, you would find that I am on a journey to find out what this whole life is about. I believe in God and I believe in Jesus, but I think someone made a big mistake in the quality of life.  Since God doesn’t make mistakes, this leaves humankind responsible for the sucky conditions of the world. Now, I also think that we can figure it out with the help of a perspective that is higher than ours and a wisdom that is stronger than man’s.  This is why I have chosen to dedicate my life to the will of God and not to the lust of man. Hence, I am on the side of the Kingdom and not the World.


So, I add to the understanding of the figureoutable that everything will be figured out, solved, and placed in the correct order through the divine knowledge of our heavenly father.  This is known as the coming of the Kingdom.


Although everyone does not believe this, I know that I am purposed to speak this into the current atmosphere as a possible solution to the mess that we are experiencing in the natural.  Now, if we were to shift our minds into the spiritual realm, solutions to problems will become very clear. One thing that I figured out is that all people are God’s people. Hence, I respect all people, their perspectives, and their purpose as a solution to a problem.


Kingdom Key #1 Every living spirit belongs to God and therefore every person is important to God's Purpose.


Kingdom Key #2 Jesus was a solution to the world's biggest problem but the logistics of the computation is still being calculated. 


The second thing that I have figured out through this journey is that every problem is not solved overnight.  The problem may have an answer but the working of the problem takes time. Things have to be added over here, other things need to be multiplied over there.  There may be some algebra, some trigonometry or even some calculus that needs to be figured out. Mistakes are sometimes made in the process of the calculations but eventually, the problem is solved.  And so it is with the major problems in your life, and so it is with the issues of the world. Every solution brings resolution, while some solutions complete an equation which makes it easier to solve future problems.  


Therefore, everything is indeed figureoutable


The third thing that I figured out is that I don’t have to be anything other than what God made me to be.  I don’t have to do anything more than what he tells me to do. I no longer have to feel overwhelmed by the burdens of life.  I have decided, with the council of the Lord, that I am a writer for God. Of course I am just learning the job but that is okay.  I will learn the rest in my training. Now, during my training I am learning that it is possible to make money with this job description and so I write, having faith that one day it will pay off. 



I now place myself in the position of 

A multi-passionate Entrepreneur


This is a phrase that Marie likes to use and it means that you don’t have to be trapped in the space that other people want to place you in.  You my friend are free to live in your seasons. If we set our minds to the purpose of what we are supposed to be doing, then we will generate energy with inside of ourselves.  Passion is energy that boost us to self-create, but this is not a promotion of self. It is something I figured out as I am studying about burnout and motivation. When we are filled with motivation to do something, we need to do it so that we are filled with more self propelling energy.  You can only achieve this when you are doing what you love, and when you are living the life that you love. This idea comes from Marie Forleo's buffet spread of wisdom. . .


Live the Life that you Love


We got that one.  We should sow that one in your heart.  I guarantee if you are not loving life now doing what you do every day, then you are not going to love it tomorrow.  You have to change your habits, change your environment, and change your mind about this life and how it works. I am on a journey to figure it out, and I know that I will.  I know that my voice matters and that my perspective is unique to me. Saying this, I know that I will solve a major problem in this world. I know that the same thing goes for you. . .


We need you to be you so that you can solve the problem that you were placed on this earth to solve. . .


The more that people understand this, the closer the Kingdom is.  The more people operate in this truth the happier people will be. But I think people have to understand this next part even more:


Each and every person carries a knowledge from God, a gift or talent to communicate that wisdom, and a predestined amount of time to develop and communicate that message.  That was the nice way of saying it and the more direct way is to say this:


We are all going to die one day


So, let’s figure this out.  If we live the life that we love now, fulfilling our purpose in the process, and solving the problems that we were placed on earth to solve then things get figured out and people live happier. “On the Flip Side” if we live in fear and remain in our perspective places, then nothing gets figured out and God’s people remain living a defeated life.  Your answer to living a life in abundance, allows someone else to see that it is possible. A chain reaction of passion, purpose, and prosperity begins to operate in the overflow. This is something that I need you to figure out for yourself; Your life is not your own, but your life was designed to place you in a position that will allow you to solve a problem.


Here goes something weird.  Well not weird, but just another example of God’s perfect plan.  Up to this point this information came to me before I went to church this morning.  I believe this next part needs to be added for that person who is trying to decide if he/she is going to remain employed by the world system or step into the Kingdom system.  So, here goes.


Do not be afraid of losing your position because it is God who hires and fires all.  If something is on your heart that will help somebody else or yourself solve a problem, you have to speak up for what is right.  The pastor spoke on Esther Chapter four. Here it was shown how Uncle Mordecai had to give a message to his niece “Queen” Esther to tell her to take advantage of her position in the Kingdom to help solve a problem for her people.  If she didn’t take on the task, then not only would it mean death for her, but someone else will be appointed to solve the problem. Now, Esther knew that her approach to the King could mean death or it could mean victory.  She had to figure out a way to approach the situation with wisdom.  She couldn’t be casual in her approach, she had to be prepared. The only way to be prepared for this type of thing was to fast, pray, and seek council from God; the one with the higher perspective and the ultimate solution to any problem. She was not afraid of losing her position as Queen.  She knew God placed her in that position for times such as this.  This is how I figured out this last thing:


When you know who you are and what your purpose is there is no reason to be fearful of the outcome.  The solution is always positive for you.


I encourage you to go back and read the book of Esther.  Know that everything did work out for the good, although it was a difficult time.  God always sees the secret schemes of the enemy. Stick with him and he will remove any false solution from the equation!


Remember everything is figureoutable!


Until Next Time,




This site is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the coming of his Kingdom.  Therefore all content is God centered and adheres to the word of God.  My Goal is to motivate you to find your purpose.

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On this page I simply share all the great books that I have been reading.  I encourage you to comment on this post and leave me some good christian reads -Entrepreneur reads- mindset and growth suggestions that you love.  I will be sure to mention you on the gram if you leave a good description of the book.  I can only do it by myself for so long and I would love your help!


I encourage you to live obedient to the word of God.  Answer the call that God has placed on your life.  Be a doer and not a hearer only.  Get busy for God, and not busy for this world. 


"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."

James 1:22




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