November 4, 2019


Simon Says


Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you (I Peter 4:12).


 Listen, I thought that I had entered a vortex of "Things are just not going to work out for you."  The enemy was trying to take my mind. I'm not going to get into a whole lot of stories about what went wrong this weekend but I knew I was under attack.  Simultaneously, I knew  I was under God's Kingdom protection. . .


I had a very busy weekend, full of exciting events that I now see were designed for me to doubt my ability to complete my assignment.  When I talk about my assignment, I’m referring to my assignment on life, in life, and about life. When I am talking about the things that I have to complete on this earth I am discussing my purpose.  Each of us has a purpose on this earth and in this life. We are each very important to God’s purpose. Don’t ever doubt your importance.


So, I had several events to attend this weekend and one of them was my sister in-law’s baby shower.  Some how I volunteered myself to run the games. There was one game which produced a three way tie and we had to figure out a way to break the tie.  So there was a suggestion to play Simon Says. “Great, I know this game,” I said to myself. So I had the three young women stand in front of everyone to play a game of Simon says.  I had two gifts left for prizes, so I told the participants the first one out loses and the remaining two win the prizes. So it was going well, Someone didn’t follow the directions and I told her she was out.  To my surprise there was an up roar in the crowd . . .”No, NO! You didn’t say Simon Says!” I thought to myself, "yes, that was the point." If you do an action that I didn’t say Simon Says for then you lose.  But I didn’t argue with the crowd, I let the game commence again. I wanted to throw someone off so I started saying the commands faster and faster. I had them standing on one leg, jumping up and down, and touching their head with their hand on their hips. The next three commands should have ended the game.  I said “Simon says put your leg down, Simon says blink your eyes, stop blinking your eyes.” Now everyone followed the first two, but one young lady stopped blinking her eyes. She clearly just stopped when I said stop blinking your eyes so she was out. The crowd again “No NO! You didn’t say Simon Says.”  Now, I knew that I didn’t say Simon Says and this was the reason why she lost. The crowd however was so convicted in their opinion that I was playing the game wrong that they decided to play something else for the tie breaker. I didn’t have the energy to argue with them.


I want to give a break down to how God speaks to me.  He shows me things in metaphors and analogies. I want to tell you what I could have said to the crowd and what actually happened.


I could have said:


“Let me explain how this game works.  I have been a teacher for fifteen years and have been playing Simon Says for the duration of that time. When the young lady stopped blinking her eyes she lost because I did not say Simon says stop blinking your eyes.  The other two kept blinking their eyes and therefore they win.”


What actually happened:


I didn’t argue with the crowd because I didn’t want to change the fun atmosphere of the party by sending out words of correction.  The crowd just really wanted to see another game anyway, so I left it how it was.

This is what Happened in the Spirit:


God has given me a platform to talk to people who want to learn and who want to hear the truth of life.  The crowd represents the world who will always question your authority and will try to get you to doubt your knowledge and abilities.  Each person’s life journey brings him the wisdom and authority to teach something pivotal in playing this game of life. Everyone is important, but if you don’t have a mind of your own, you will follow the crowd. 


Don’t follow the crowd!!!!


You have to know that you know the rules to the game. You have to be so confident that you will not be emotionally moved by the atmosphere of the world. It is not about arguing with the crowd (the world), but it is about being confident in the truth of God’s word. The word of God says do not throw away your confidence, because it will be richly rewarded (Hebrews 10:35)


The world is so convinced that their way of thinking is right that it will try to convince you that you are wrong.  Therefore we  should not be influenced by the world, but we should keep our mind on Christ who knows and understands the rules of the game.


So this is what I say to you in spiritual terms:


“Let me explain how this game of life works.  I have been a follower of Christ since I was young.  The Lord has been my teacher, my provider, and my protector for all those years, even before I was born.  When things look like they are bad in this life, something is working out for you in the supernatural.  If you keep pressing towards the mark, if you just keep on going, you will receive the prize. In the end, you win because we are on the winning team.”


Friends, let this be your motivation for this Monday:

You are the winner!

We all win!!

The enemy is a Cheater and a Liar:


. . .Anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor's crown except by competing according to the rules.

II Timothy 2:5




You are important in God’s plan.  You must understand that we live in a world that writes its own rules.  The World Kingdom sets out to lie, cheat, kill, and destroy you. You will get attacked in this game of life but understand that what you see in the natural is not what is happening in the supernatural.  When things go wrong in your life, the enemy is trying to distract you from your purpose. He is trying to set you on a different course other than your destiny.  He is trying to change your mind from what God has already written for you.  The enemy has found that stress changes your DNA, in other words, stress changes your DNA story. He will try to place all types of things on you to try to stress you out so that you are unprepared to receive your blessings. Get prepared. Read your bible and learn the rules to the bigger game.


Your DNA is a book that has been written before time began and it has a lot of information in it that makes you, you.  If anything changes in that code, if any symbol is changed, it changes who you are and who you are supposed to be. The enemy wishes to control us with his game.  In his game he can change the rules to anything that is going to help him win . . . why? Because he is a cheater!!! We have to learn this game and start playing by the rules of the Kingdom.


Kingdom says that you are the head and not the tail.  You are above and not beneath. The Kingdom says that you are leaders, kings, queens, teachers, givers, lovers, and holders of everlasting wisdom because you come from the everlasting father.  Jesus tells us that the father is in him and he (Jesus) is in us. This understanding re-codes our DNA. We are now new creatures and the enemy’s plan of attack becomes null and void. The enemy has no power over God’s DNA.  Hence, when you are a believer you have accepted the gift of rewriting your story from the fall into hell, back to your original purpose with the everlasting God. You my friend are part of the everlasting Kingdom. . . 


To those of you who think it strange and absurd to believe in the everlasting, in the supernatural or hell, this will not make much sense to you. But it is very simple when you have the mind of Christ. Believe and you will be given insight on how to play the game and how to win it. 


Let’s play a new game.  It is called Simon Peter says.


Simon Peter says believe

Simon Peter says don’t stop

Simon Peter says pray

Simon Peter says don't stop praying

Simon Peter says above all, love deeply because love covers many sins

You are the winner of the crown

Remember to keep living and to live on Purpose

Until Next Time







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