April 6, 2021

This is a bit of a Throwback Thursday, a bit of a Teacher Tuesday and a bit of a Motivation for Monday all rolled into one.  Let's see what we can get from this post written about two years ago.


Let us look at Ms. Rachel Hollis's talk about allowing Jesus to handle the chaos in our lives.


I wanted to introduce you to Rachel Hollis this week because she has an awesome story of process.  The Lord allowed her business to grow in front of our very eyes on the Internet.  She is an example of a regular person who chose to do what she loved in life.  She is a mom and a wife, an entrepreneur, and a Christian.  I am choosing to put her in my tribe.  She doesn't know it yet, but she is one of my dear friends along with Tiffani Montgomery!


Look everyone, I am not doing this to encourage people to cyber stalk well known, successful entrepreneurs on the Internet!  This is not my purpose. . .  I'm just convinced that there is a better way to live this life.  There is a better way than working a 9 to 5 job that you hate.  There is a better way to live that beats being stressed out by the people we chose to keep in our lives.  There is a better way to live than being overwhelmed with all the STUFF that we have to do!  We have to start making better choices for our life.


We must trust the Lord to handle the stress for us!


This is why I am referring this video about embracing the chaos.  Realizing that, with the Holy Spirit,  we have the skills to navigate ourselves through all the trials, troubles, and test that this world throws at us.  We can do this.  We have permission from our Lord and Savior to be awesome!  We were never meant to do it by ourselves.  The Holy spirit is here to help us get to the goal he has written for us.  You will have tribulation in this world, but take comfort in the fact that our Lord has overcome the world!


I love the way that Rachel explains this so simply.  She says to give yourself permission to fail sometimes.  Give yourself some grace.  Allow yourself to learn from your mistakes and grow in your shortcomings.  We don't have to be so hard on ourselves.  No, we don't have it all figure out, but that is Okay.  We will figure it out during the journey.


Did you know that the Lord isn't as hard on us as we are on ourselves.  He tried to teach us forgiveness.  Let us learn that lesson and start forgiving ourselves. Forgiveness is a necessary spiritual exercise that we must all practice in order to keep moving forward in our lives.  Practice forgiveness.  Give yourself some grace. Embrace the Chaos.



#1 Give yourself some grace.

#2 This life is about allowing God to handle the Chaos in your life.


Those are two main points that she made in this speech.   I embrace this.  I understand that I am perfect to God just the way that I am.  I don't have to try harder, be better, or pray harder.  He loves me regardless!  He loves you too.  Allow him to handle the Chaos in your life.  


2021 Reflection

While reflecting on this post I revisited the talk and grabbed some more important insights:  

#1- "Living through chaos is the journey to peace."  Rachel talks about the chaos theory which is better understood as the "Butterfly Effect."  This is often used to explain how big events can be traced back to small happenings.  These small events may be seen as insignificant, but they are actually significant shifts in the atmosphere that create great change. 

We can apply this insight to life and how we make decisions.  The smallest shift in our thinking can create great change in our lives. This is my greatest take away from the use of chaos theory in this talk.


#2 Rachel talks about how people choose to cope with chaos.  The big take away from this section is that if we learn to embrace the chaos and trust that God has it all figured out, we will be more at peace with our lives.

How do you cope with chaos?

1- Do you ignore it?

2- Do you battle it or over manage it?

3- Do you drown in it?

4- Or do you embrace it?


Take a breath my friend and lean into the chaos of life.  Things happen and we have little control of the craziness of life.  This talk is very relevant to our lives today.  We are experiencing a global pandemic.  Some people are trying to ignore that it is happening, while others try to work harder to control their circumstances.  We have to shift our mindsets to trust God to handle this chaotic time for us.  In the words of Paul, we must learn to be content in every situation.

 for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:11

Feel confident that God is able to handle the chaos in your life.


I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Psalm 139:14



This blog is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the coming of his Kingdom.  Therefore all content is God centered and adheres to the word of God.  My Goal is to motivate you to find your purpose.




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