July 3, 2021

The first thing we need to know about deeper soul work is to understand that the mind is connected to the body, and the body is connected to the soul.  We also need to understand that the soul is not the same as your spirit. There is a whole new conversation that needs to happen about spiritual growth and spiritual care. However, in order to establish proper soul flow, we must explore how we feed the soul and how the soul translates that food.  My study for this summer will be on doing deeper soul work.  I welcome you to join me on this journey of understanding the soul . . .


I am at the point in my life where I want to be free.  I see all of the calculated steps I have made to acquire what I think I thought I wanted and have came to the realization that someone has implanted these ideas into my mind as sort of a dangling carrot that I would never fully enjoy.   We are accustomed to the idea of wanting more, needing more, and working towards the more.  I have to say that I have found the sweet spot.  I don’t want any more “stuff.”  The stuff doesn’t really mean anything.  The stuff doesn’t bring me happiness and I know deep down it never will.


Sometimes I ask myself, “Why do you keep writing when no one is listening to what you are saying?”  I tell that voice to shut up and I continue to click away, letter by letter, announcing the understandings of my heart on this white page of light.  We must understand that we should not be motivated by the things that we think people want or what they will pay for, instead we must be led by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit knows what is needed before it is actually needed and so I know that my words are in preparation for something larger than me.  I also understand that writing, and any creative outlet for that matter, is an expression of the soul.  The soul’s communication with who it needs to reach is not concerned with notoriety, or participation of the moment.  The soul is concerned with the sharing and the pouring out of a love message.  The soul carries love energy.  The soul then feeds, motivates, grows, and nourishes.  The soul searches and the soul finds. 


This past week I ran into a young lady who shared her pain with me.  She had lost someone close to her and claimed that my energy allowed her to feel connected to my spirit.  She claimed “we are vibrating at the same frequency.”  She spoke freely about her soul work and her spiritual journey.  She expressed to me how she started to write about what she was experiencing like something was guiding her to do so.  I had to express my similar experiences with spiritual work.  I applaud this young lady’s bravery in sharing with me.  I believe that the great spirit had brought us together. 


Here is the thing though that I think many people do not understand, we are all connected in some way.  We are connected by one ever flowing eternal spirit, the Holy Spirit. The soul then holds the message that the Holy Spirit communicates to us.  Freely this message is given to you and freely you should share it with others.  When doing soul work, the soul will guide you to other people who are doing similar work.  The soul is a guide for your growth.


Like I said before, I am no longer interested in material things.  Better said, I am working to move away from my concern of material wealth in this world.  It is a false promise that we will never obtain.  Instead, I search and move towards the Kingdom and it’s promises.  If you don’t know what those promises are, please read the word of truth.  The bible reveals the truth about the soul.  The bible reveals the truth about the creator’s love for his creation.  The bible will teach you about soul work but it will also teach you about your spirit.  It will teach you about who you are and how the great spirit came to save us from this false world of materialism.


I believe that the children of the creator know his voice and can see the truth that has been poured on the minds of men.  The purpose of the world kingdom is to confuse this truth and to convince the soul of the world that God doesn’t care about us.  I am so glad that I know the truth; God loves us.  He loves us so much that he sent an extension of himself into this world so that we can have a better understanding of his love.  That extension of himself sacrificed his life so that his soul message could live, so that his soul’s message could grow and be shared with the world.  Not only that, but God’s son (the extension of himself) gave up his physical body so that his spirit can dwell in and within each of us.  This is the only spiritual guide you need.  I encourage you to let the Holy Spirit leave his love message inside of your soul.


To my friend that I met that day, my soul knew you right away.  The Holy Spirit placed your prayers in my thoughts and so I pray for you.



Continue to guide her to the truth

Continue to show her the way

Continue to love her and to give her peace

Shining your continence everyday

Father we know your love for us

We thank you for your son

As we continue our journey back to you

We know that our work has just begun

Protection we call for

Protection we see

Soul work is needed

For the world to see

That you have us, you hold us

And you will not let us go

Thank you for 

Calm, Healing,

and Soul Flow


“Those doing soul work, who want the searing truth more than solace or applause, know each other right away. Those who want something else turn and take a seat in another room. Soul-makers find each other’s company.”



Who makes me the expert you ask?  It is the spirit who teaches.  The Great Spirit.  The Holy Spirit.  Do you know him?


This blog is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the coming of his Kingdom.  Therefore, all content is God centered and adheres to the word of God.  My Goal is to motivate you to find your purpose.






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