January 13, 2020


You're not Crazy, You're blessed


Now there are so many things that I want to talk about.  This is coming from a person who sees things just a little different than the rest of the world.  I present you with this notion about our living: We are all a little Psycho.


I know that it is important for me to get things out of my head.  You know when you have mental breakdowns, most of the time it is because you are overwhelmed or just over loaded. A good way to get things out of your mind is to create.  Make something, then see what comes out.


I started writing because I started noticing that the secret conversations that often happened in the crevices of my mind started to look for a way out.  I never admitted this to anybody but I always knew that I was a little crazy. Not the type that can’t function in society type of crazy, or even one needing a complete psych eval, but I have been known as one to rock back and forth; a soothing stemming exercise that faded the concerns of this world into the background.  So perhaps a partial psych eval would be sufficient for me. 


Friends, this world has a tendency to lift you up and at other times let you down.  It is full of false hope and it is time to turn from it’s promises and start believing in the promises that the Bible teaches.  Do not be afraid, the Lord will be with you wherever you go.  The separation from what is considered to be normal has begun. . . 


My daughter was doing a project last night about behavior psychology and Psychosis.  I asked her "what made you chose that topic?"  She said it was just something that she was interested in.  I wasn’t surprised because when she was five, she walked around the house making a list for all the names that described crazy.  She would mutter them with her raspy New York accent:











Wacko . . . 


And on and on she would go.  I talked to the Lord and asked him, “why did you give me such a strange child? How does a five year old know all of these words?”  I have come to understand that strange is special. I have come to learn that weird is unique and peculiar is blessed. I have come to find through living that blessed by God means that you will be labeled as crazy to the world.  Now, since we are all a little crazy, this means that we are all blessed in some way or another by our creator.


Let this be your Motivation for Monday:

You are blessed by God


Friends, something that I find interesting about this world is that it often changes the definitions of original meanings over time.   In the past, religious freedom was promoted and this was supposedly the reason why so many Europeans migrated to this land. Today, believing in the truth of the word of God is considered to be irrational, ludicrous, and plain crazy talk.  If crazy means that one is not functioning to the majority standard of what is considered normal, then we are all bonkers!


I have ventured out in the world to teach and spread the truth about Jesus and I have been met with rage and disgust. I have been called ignorant and crazy because of the fact that I believe in God.  People become even more disgusted when I tell them that I believe in Jesus.


Not everyone can see it.  Not everyone understands it.  But if you are a believer it is because God chose you, you didn’t choose him.  He made you especially weird for a reason. Now go out and share your crazy with the world!


Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven. . .

Matthew 5:11


Check out this poem: Poetry Power: We are all Psycho

Until Next Time








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How Do You Know?

That God is God. . .



Be exactly who you are because it is the way that God has made you.



There is a way to see things the way that God sees things.  Check out this creative language essay on the end.










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