January 20, 2020


Take Action and Do It

Good Morning Good Morning!


I had so many options this morning about what to send out in the world for inspiration.  I want to encourage you to make major moves in your life. This year I have made it a goal of mine to make some major moves in my life.  I have made the decision to take BIG BOLD ACTION. I have chosen a word to meditate on this year and that word is AGGRESSIVE.


It’s funny that I had been reading Joshua chapter one and saw that God was telling Joshua to take BIG BOLD action.  He told Joshua to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid, and to go out and take what was promised to him and his people.  This excites me because there were so many promises in this chapter that filled me with encouragement:


#1 God promised that he would be with us wherever we go 

#2 God promised that wherever we had the courage to walk, he would give us that territory 

#3 God promised that no one will be able to come against us

#4 God promised prosperity and success


I believe every promise God speaks.  I noticed that there were directions tied to these promises:


#1 Be of good courage and don’t be afraid

#2 Know and meditate on the law of God

#3 Get ready for battle


I got even more excited when one of my mentors sent me a letter in the mail.  She told me that she started seeing big things happening in her life when she started to focus on her one word.  Guess what that word was . . . Yep, AGGRESSIVE.   I am kind of a soft spoken person, especially compared to the rest of my family.  And like my mentor, I would have never thought that God would give me a word like AGGRESSIVE.  But through walking this journey I understand that this word for me means to take action!


Here’s the thing, action is always tied to the promise because faith without works is dead.  This means that the existence of the work it takes you to prepare for the promise means that you Really Believe something great is going to happen.  When God says prepare for battle I know that this means life is not always going to be easy.  You have to take what is rightfully yours just like Joshua and the Israelites had to fight for their promised land. . .


This world is not programmed to give you everything that you want, even if it does belong to you.  You have to take it. . . Hence, my word this year:  AGGRESSIVE.


I know that I have to shift to the next level of the promise.  I am preparing for it by practicing my writing. I asked God for courage, and I know that he is with me wherever I go.  Now I have to GO. I have to become a doer of God’s word and not a hearer only. I have to take action. I have to just DO IT!!  I want to fill you with the same words of encouragement; Take action today. Whatever it is that you have always dreamed of doing and have always known is a gift  that you need to share with the world, do it. Be aggressive and know that it is yours!! And this brings me to one of my favorite speeches of all time:


Art William’s “Do it” Speech is the prime example of how talk can get in the way of action.  Art, who developed his own company selling insurance became a billionaire and paved the way for many of his employees to become millionaires.  His entire talk displays the characteristics needed for a person to become successful in business. Over 30 years ago he gave this speech and these principles could be applied to life in general.   He basically suggests that if you want to have success, stop trying to figure out an easy way and just DO IT!!


It is only 5 minutes, please check it out.  If you have a chance to view the whole speech, that is also very powerful.  Do it, watch it.  This may change the course of your whole entire life!





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How Do You Know?

That God is God. . .



Be exactly who you are because it is the way that God has made you.



There is a way to see things the way that God sees things.  Check out this creative language essay on the end.










This site is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the coming of his Kingdom.  Therefore all content is God centered and adheres to the word of God.  My Goal is to motivate you to find your purpose.


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