March 21, 2021


It has taken me a while to move through the mourning process of their break up but I think that I am getting there!  I had to write myself through it and I have accepted that it is absolutely none of my business how other people choose to live their social media lives. I have to say “MY BAD!”  Hence the first reason why I continue to support both Rachel and Dave Hollis.


#1 Social Media is the Hoax.

So, one of my favorite social media couples got a divorce last year and made the shocking announcement on an Instagram post.   After this distressing blow, I have come to figure that it is none of my business how other people chose to live their lives, especially their social media lives. However, I only make it my business when I choose to consume what is being put out.  This is my fault. Social media was a platform that Rachel used to grow her business.  Although there was an illusion of happiness and love through their products and marketing; Rachel and Dave had normal marital quarrels.  BIG SURPRISE!! Welcome to life! It goes to show how misled people can become by the “picture”  of happiness. This should be a good lesson for all of us. I think that Rachel fans just got too caught up in our own ideas of how her life was going to turn out.  We held her to a higher standard but we should not have.  Therefore, Rachel and Dave are two grown adults who can do whatever they want to do.

#2 Rachel is successful at business. 

I support Rachel because she is still making that doe!  This is something that I have not figured out how to do yet. We aren't supposed to put people on pedestals because they are bound to fall from them.  You know what, I have to say it again: “MY BAD!” Although I was very confused about the divorce and I felt mislead; that reality was of my own making.  I held Rachel’s success in business as a marker of being successful in all aspects of her life.  Well, nobody is perfect.  I still value her guidance in business. Therefore, I did buy a ticket to her upcoming on-line conference event (May 14-16, 2021).

#3 Rachel is creative.

I support Rachel because she is a creative mind.   One of the reasons I started to follow Rachell was her passion for writing and helping people.  I think being creative in this way is a valuable vulnerability lesson that we all can use.  I strongly support creativity.   Rachel is resilient and continues to create even after/during the pandemic.  Her book “I Didn’t See That Coming” gave valuable insight of how to deal with tragedy, disappointment, and trauma.  The somber tone was often interrupted by funny, intelligent, conversation about life.  I wrote an article about her life coaching message below that I will soon have a link to. (Stay tuned) 

#4 Rachel is a fighter and she’s still going.

Rachel has something called grit, she is a fighter. I think that Rachel is at the top of her coaching game in her new book.   She didn’t avoid tough conversations around dealing with trauma or inconsistency of life’s experiences.  However, If you were looking for an in depth explanation of why her and Dave split, this was not the book that does it.  She basically tells us that it is none of our business about all that happened in their relationship.  She remains private out of respect for her ex husband Dave, who she still calls a good friend.  She revealed that even family members called her after the announcement of the divorce, wanting to understand why they broke up.  Many tried to convince the couple to work it out.  However, Rachel is a fighter for who she needs to be and who she was called to be.  I heard her say in many  interviews that she was called to do the work that she is doing.  I believe her.  I don’t doubt the calling.

#5 Rachel’s work is valuable

 So, although she is not a “licensed” therapist, I think her work is valuable.  Her reflections and her deductions make sense to me and readers should take what they can from her opinions about life.  If she can use a creative outlet to move on through her divorce, through her miscalculations, through the relationship with her parents, and through her brother’s death, I think there is value in this type of qualitative observation.  I think that Rachel’s message is consistent in that she tells her audience to be true to their hidden dreams that they have for themselves.  She does work that helps people work towards their vision.  She is a coach and there is value in this.


#6  Rachel and Dave are still friends.

Look, I don’t know how true it is but who am I to argue.  If they say they are friends, then let’s all be friends.  Friendship is an important part of the Christian message.  I think that relationships are difficult to navigate and if these two humans can redefine their marital relationship to that of friendship, good for them.   Cool beans. I’m down with it.   I know many of us are tempted to dissect the dynamics of their relationship by going over past interviews and noticing how Rach used to always cut Dave off, or how she was very jealous of his friendships with people that she admired.   However, this aspect is none of our business.  It would be wasted energy to rehash the relationship.  Let's just be friends.

How can we learn from this?  What relationships do we have to redefine in our own lives?

#7 Dave is cool with me.

I read Dave’s book “Get Out of Your Own Way: a Skeptic’s Guide to Growth and Fulfillment.”  I thought that it was very good.  You can definitely tell Dave was influenced by his ex wife’s tenacity, toughness, and grit.  The opening of his book was about how he was reading his wife’s new book and how he read that chapter that Rachel wrote about the guy who broke her heart in her early twenties. You know the book, and you know that chapter about the guy who turned out to be Dave! Guuuurrrrl, that was tense!  That had to be a fight in the Hollis household (but that is none of my business). There was another sweet story about how the couple  came to name their daughter Noah which showed Dave’s talent for storytelling.  I can imagine the arguments that came from all the “book writing” going on in that house.  I could also feel the development of Dave’s closer walk with the Lord through his storytelling.  This made me be “Team Dave” for a while.  Dave is cool with me.

#8  Forgiveness is Necessary

I think forgiveness is something that we all should practice in life.  Therefore, I forgive Rachel and Dave for whatever I felt was owed to me.  I also forgive myself for being so invested in their brand, in their lives, and in their perspective of how life should be lived.  As a Christian, I was wrong.  Although I value people's opinions, and their individual journeys towards finding truth; I know where the truth lives.  The truth lives in the bible and so I have to check my motives and my investment in things that don’t matter.  My life should be all about Jesus.  Hence, I seek after tools that will help me during my journey, but I should not idolize those tools.  The bible says that our God is a jealous God.  This means that we should not put anyone or anything ahead of God.  Hence, I ask God for forgiveness as I forgive the confusions of the situation and I forgive myself for falling for it.  Again, “MY BAD!”  No body is perfect.


#9  I support because I am a Fan.

Exhibit A: The start of my Instagram page BOOKS4PURPOSE started with a tribute to Rach. I have been a fan of Rachel’s since before the days of stretch mark pictures on the internet.  I wanted to start speaking like Rachel.  I wanted to write like Rachel, I wanted to start a business like Rachel.  I wanted the blog, the business, and even the conferences.  She is a big reason why I am doing what I am doing right now.  When a person has something inside of them that inspires it is hard not to support him or her.  I continue to support Rachel because I believe in the message that she is sending out.  I am a product of the message that God sent to her.  I have been writing about Rachel for a while and I hope that the secrets to her success rubs off on me in some way.

#10  I am working on my life.

I am working on being a better person, a better mother, a better teacher, and a better leader.  I have been writing this blog for about 5 years now and I have been working on purpose for a while.  I know that the Lord led me to this girl.  I relate to her on so many levels.  There something about her words and her spirit that makes me know that she was put on this earth, in this time to speak these words of encouragement to me.  I am working on my life and this is what we all have to do.  We have to be strong in who we are so that we can stand strong for other people.  I think Rachel really knows who she is and I support that.  She is supportive of the mother/entrepreneur journey and I support that as well.  Here goes a quote that I want to share:

“The God who made the moon and the stars and the mountains and the oceans, the Creator who did all of those things, believed that you and your baby were meant to be a pair. That doesn’t mean you’re going to be a perfect fit. That doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes. It does mean that you need not fear failure because you can’t fail a job you were created to do.”

-from Girl wash your face

My message to all that read this blog is not to be conformed to the world's idea of who you are supposed to be; but be strong, be bold, and be you!  We all have a purpose to fulfill on this earth.   We can't fail the job we were created to do.  This is why I support #MsRachelhollis and Dave is Okay with me too!



I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Psalm 139:14



This blog is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the coming of his Kingdom.  Therefore all content is God centered and adheres to the word of God.  My Goal is to motivate you to find your purpose.



Titles by Tamorra






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