April 1, 2021

Every once in a a while I like to go back to one of my old post to see if I grew from my reflections on life.  I think that it is good to write things down.  I also think that it is helpful to learn from what you wrote through quiet reflection time.  So, lets see what we can learn from this post that was written over two years ago.  Let's see if there was any value in the book that Rachel Hollis wrote about believing in the lies that the world tells you are true.  Hum, irony.

I was really devastated to learn about Rachel and Dave Hollis's split in 2020.  Now Rachel is on You Tube with her daily show called "Rach Talk" spilling the beans about her online dating adventures.  She has changed so much since I had first started following her.  This is what is supposed to happen though.  We are supposed to change, grow, and evolve.  I have decided that I will continue to follow her career, business, and teaching.  I started following her because she was a Christian Entrepreneur.  I wanted the life that she had, and this was my mistake.  I thought that she had made it.  This just goes to show that the picture of one's visual world may not be a true depiction of what is truly going on.  Now I strive to live my own life.  Part of that life is figuring things out through the writing process.

Here's the Throwback

Girl, Wash Your Face

August 2017

So, I was in Barnes and Noble the other day with my hubby.  It was our anniversary and I suggested that we do something that we used to do back in the day; spend all day in the book store.  So, that is what we did.  One of the books that I picked up was "Girl, Wash Your Face" by Rachel Hollis.  It was a book that I was meaning to read because I started to follow her on social media years ago.  The following is what I know:
Rachel is a PK.  I always remember those who claim this because I am also a PK (preacher's kid).  She was a girl who started a life style website that suddenly blew up because she posted a picture of herself in a bikini showing all of her mommy stretch marks.  The post went viral.  As a result, she became a very requested speaker around the nation and eventually around the world.  Her website blew up and her business did as well.  I catch her speeches on YouTube and they are very inspirational. I have been following her for a while and I noticed her growth as a person, as an entrepreneur, and as a speaker.  I am always eager to introduce another Christian example of how to live life on purpose.
Rachel did not start off as a well known entrepreneur, speaker, author, or woman of God.  She grew into it.  She navigated herself in the truth of who God told her she was.  In her book, "Girl Wash Your Face."  Rachel Hollis encourages you to stop believing the lies that the world has told you to believe about yourself.  She wants to change your perspective about this life. This life is worth living.  This life can be a great life.  You don't have to do everything, but just be good at what you are good at.
Here's the thing;  We can continue to live in the lie or we can pick ourselves up and start living.  We need to make different choices, better choices.  We don't always have to be down in life.  Life doesn't always have to be ruff.  We can change our perspective and say:

I am going to keep on living because life is good.

There is something in it for me!

There is something in this life for you.  There is something great in this life for you.  Pick yourself up.  Get dressed and wash your face.  What God has for you it is for you!  Once you change your perspective, the Lord will restore everything that you have lost, plus more.
When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,
we were like those who dreamed.
2Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
“The Lord has done great things for them.”
3The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.
4Restore our fortunes, Lord,
like streams in the Negev.
5Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy.
6Those who go out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them.
Psalms 126 NIV


While reflecting on this post, I realize that I have my own interpretation of Rachel's words and message.  It is a message that I agree on strongly.  I believe that perspective matters.  Therefore, I believe that when you have hope for the future, you have a stronger chance of living a more fulfilled life.  I trust that the Lord does not want us to believe the lies of the enemy.  I believe that Jesus came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly.  I believe that this was the core of Rachel's message.  It does hurt my heart profoundly that she had to go through the pain of a divorce, but that is part of her life journey.  I will continue with my own journey while reflecting on why her life  story has such an impact on so many other women like me. 




This blog is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the coming of his Kingdom.  Therefore all content is God centered and adheres to the word of God.  My Goal is to motivate you to find your purpose.



Titles by Tamorra






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