April 15, 2021

Who Follows Rachel Hollis?

Hey Friends,

I do.  I am not writing these words as marriage nuptials, but I am saying that I do follow Rachel Hollis.  She has been under extreme criticism lately about comparing her self to Harriet Tubman, but let me say that this controversy is being a little bit over played.  I saw that video, and as a Black women living in America, I did not take offense to the message she was trying to convey.  She was saying that she makes no effort to live an ordinary life because she is on a mission to do what she has to do to fulfill her purpose on this earth.  She's not trying to be "relatable," but she is being herself.  This means, that people are relating to her because they are relating to her!  Da!


She has also been criticized for plagiarism, being too positive, and not recognizing her privilege as she spreads the idea that you can achieve your goals if you work hard enough to do it.  Sure, not everyone will have the same journey to their destined purpose, but I think that believing outside of the limitations that social norms places on people is a start.  I believe that I am privileged because I belong to the Kingdom.  Let's not forget about that privilege!


We know that they're a lot of people in this world with privilege. DA People!  But I'll say this for those who don't follow me:


We have to stop allowing one voice to represent all of the black population, especially those voices who are not black.  I am referring to the online articles that tend to voice the black's population opinions about what we hold as sacred.  I am not offended by Rachel Hollis comparing herself with strong women who had to stand out and stand up for what they believed in.  It was a good analogy.  I am not offended by Rachel Hollis's privilege. 


BTW, I would suppose that 90% of the  American Black Female Population probably don't even know who Rachel Hollis is.  The other 10% are probably women authors, entrepreneurs, or business owners that came across her content once or twice.  OR MAYBE,  they are part of that .2% that are totally infatuated by her.  They, like me, buy her books, attend her conferences, writes blog posts about her, and collects her stickers. IDK why people are making such a big deal about her missteps.  It's called forgiveness people.  But haters don't know nothing bout that! (Oh my hood just came out).


If you are someone who is deciding if Rachel is the character/persona that you want to follow to grow your business, your brand or your personal development, it is for you to decide.  I hope that this collection that I put together will help you decided if she is the one you want to hang with.


About the Break Up!


Real Quick, giving you the run down of my take on the Rachell and Dave Hollis divorce of 2020.  I guess the pandemic revealed somethings about their relationship that they needed to address ASAP.  Through reflecting on my infatuation of Rachel’s success, I have figured out that I was too invested.  It would serve me more if I was invested in my own business, my own relationships, my own writing career, and my own marriage.  


In my reflection time I have decided to forgive Rachel and Dave.  There is something that Rachel knows about business that I don't know.  I want to know what she knows!  Hence, I am all signed up for the conference in May.  It is a three day event that I will be experiencing from the comforts of my own home!


The following collection is more about me processing the divorce and convincing myself that it is still okay to listen to her podcast.  Look, I'm not perfect nor is Rachel Hollis.  However, I am going to continue to support her in her journey because she has been a big influence in mine.  Enjoy!

Here are some journey related posts . . .

Again, I am a woke black woman who is not offended by Rachel Hollis' privilege. Here is a collection from Black History Month.

Black History Month

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