Tag: bible
I usually ask God to send my writing to the right person at the right time for their learning and healing. So, I want you to know that you are here for a reason. Perhaps it is an answer to a question that you are unaware you asked. Perhaps you are experiencing a transition…
Why do we do the things that we do? What type of pleasure really fills you? Nothing, oh nothing will satisfy the soul unless you give up the selfish ego Because we are all Psycho living in a world that is not our own creating the spaces we call a home and round and…
My Brain is constantly moving, digesting, and computing from lessons of the past. I am always trying to review, understand, and apply the lessons that the Lord has presented me. I can’t always keep up but I try really hard. One way that I try to keep up is to review something that he…
Hello Friends, Sometimes a good message passes you by just because you weren’t at the right place at the right time to hear it . . . No worries, I am transferring some things to this site so that you can have access to the information that will help your grow. My purpose is to…
Are You Driven by Eternity? Let us explore our perspective of this life . . . Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. Psalms 90:2 What if I were to tell you that your life, the one that…
It’s Supernatural! What do you believe as a Christian? It’s Supernatural! Everything around you is supernatural because God made it that way. I think that people think I’m crazy. But that is ok I know what God is telling me. I feel like I have to say a little more about this new age movement. The…
What is the New Age Movement? and what does it mean for me as a Christian. . . The New Age Movement “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit” Colossians 2:8 What is the New Age Movement? This is going to be a long conversation. . .Because God…
Grow in Your Purpose 3 Spiritual Exercises to Help You Find Your Purpose Are you interested in knowing why you are here on earth? I’ll give you the short answer. . . Your purpose is to grow. The thing is there is a lot that goes into growing. You have to have…
Prioritize your Purpose! 6 steps that will help you focus on God’s plan for you You must believe in yourself enough to know and to let others know that your time is worth something. You have a purpose in this world and you don’t have time to do everyone else’s work. Each individual…
12 Versus of God’s Love Do you know that God loves you? We must know that God loves us so that we can fight against sadness and depression. The burdens of depression are real feelings that we should not ignore. Instead we need to learn how to cry out to God like King David:…
I was under a spiritual attack! Sunday during church I bent over in pain due to a twisting feeling in my stomach, then I stretched out on the pew feeling completely exhausted. When that didn’t help I took a drink of water and knelt on my knees. I silently asked God, what is wrong, what…
I can’t count the amount of times that my legs would buckle from underneath my torso, not able to carry the weight of my overworked soul. My eyes would roll back, and all my energy would escape me. I would quickly fold into the ground like a five foot pancake. I used to faint…
Is the following something that you think often? “I thought that I was doing everything right, but apparently I am doing a lot of things wrong. I know I need to reflect and ask myself some serious questions about what exactly is wrong in my life. I want to know how I can turn things…