Tag: Kingdom

Welcome to Throwback Thursdays. I was having a very interesting conversation with my classmates this week about what Christians believe about going to heaven. Apparently, a lot of people are being taught that you have to be a nice person, do good deeds, and achieve great things in this world to be accepted into heaven….

I have been watching Marie Forleo for a while and I have confidence that her book doesn’t have any new age philosophy or humanistic undertones in its contents. Believers have to be careful sometimes because things that often sound good on the surface are laced with a drug of significant status that is also known…
My Brain is constantly moving, digesting, and computing from lessons of the past. I am always trying to review, understand, and apply the lessons that the Lord has presented me. I can’t always keep up but I try really hard. One way that I try to keep up is to review something that he…